Reconnecting back to your

True Self

12 days of Cherishness

to STOP Self Sabotage and Manifest the Life of Your Dreams!


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The missing piece to personal development, and your healing journey is here…

#insatiablemel #bingeeatingspecialist #bulimiahelp #eatingdisorder

The missing piece to personal development, and your healing journey is here…

Unlocking the codes to SUCCESS

Imagine life is like a road. 



And every single challenge or struggle is a bump and depending on how you take that bump will determine which route you’ll take on this road of life.


And imagine the desires you have, whether in health, body, relationships, love, ambition, aspirations or even money is the end of that road called Rome.


But what tends to happen, most of us are in the car with a satnav, but instead of listening to our satnavs, we try to guess which way to go.



You see, these roads are not new.


They ALL lead to Rome.




Some of us get to Rome by driving over every single bump and trying out every single road to eventually ending up in Rome.


Others spend their entire life stuck, going round and round the roundabouts, clueless which direction to go.


And others, just like me, have found shortcuts by connecting with the right people (mentors) who’ve already driven to Rome.



After many bumps, roundabouts, and many mentors, I have put together a roadmap.


A roadmap that are universal principles of how to get to Rome, no matter what your struggles are right now.



All you need is to have a desired outcome, a willingness to be open about how to get to Rome, and ready to drive your car.

In other words…

👉 What’s motivating you to transform your life?

👉 Be open to the information I’ll be sharing

👉 Be ready to take action

You’ve tried everything.

You feel like something is holding you back from the life you desire.


Whether it’s the health, your ideal body, improving your relationships (both in your circle of friends, family, parenting), finding your partner, or even if you’re looking to achieve a specific life goal like an ambition or money…


The reason you’re most likely feeling stuck is because just like I was, you’re stuck in the KNOWLEDGE.



I read a tonne of books.


I knew about my childhood traumas inside out.


I listened, watched and did countless studies from podcasts, YouTube videos and even courses, but I was still stuck in the knowledge.

The MISSING piece

NO amount of methods, tips, therapy or coaching will be efficient (transformative) UNLESS you know WHO you are.


There is NO point doing all the stuff to reach your goal IF you don’t know HOW you work, and what part you play in this whole human existence.



In the 12 days of Cherishness, I share the missing piece to the puzzle of personal development or your healing journey.


You’ll finally understand why you’ve been STUCK for years, or even decades, and once you understand, you’ll be able to be the driver of your life!


I know this because I was in YOUR shoes for OVER 22 years, going round and round in circles, trying every single method, technique, or self belief affirmations, but I was still nowhere I wanted to be.


I almost believed there was something wrong with my brain!


BUT there was NOTHING wrong with my brain…


I just did NOT get it!



Without knowing how the human experience is created, you may as well be driving a car with a muddy windscreen.



My intention in these 12 days is to take you on a journey to wipe the mud away from your windscreen so that you can drive and see exactly where you’re going.

The a difference between knowledge and transformation i.e. stuff that changes your life, is UNDERSTANDING.


And understanding is really knowledge put into action.



In the 12 days of Cherishness, I help you learn in a completely different way.


I share tools that will help you take action, which will eventually transform your life!


It has taken me all my life to finally get it, and with this information, you could literally STOP any self sabotaging behaviours, while at the same time…

manifesting the life of your dreams!

Stop getting in your own way….

Honestly, the information I share has changed my life BEYOND recovery.


From my experience and from the hundreds of clients I’ve helped, there’s a huge difference between being recovered and…

living your dream life!

12 days of Cherishness unveils:

👉 What’s causing you to self destruct

👉 What’s HOLDING you back from your success

👉 Why ALL your struggles are an illusion 

👉 How to IDENTIFY the illusion

👉 How to keep yourself safe from NEGATIVE energy (including people)

👉 HOW you can take your power back (and how you can create ANYTHING even magic to happen which are based on scientific facts of how this planet works)

👉 How to RELEASE sh!t out of your body and mind that doesn’t belong to you

👉 How to STOP feeling triggered 

👉 Take you deep into your soul so you know you’re INDESTRUCTIBLE!!!

How this knowledge has transformed my life…

💫 I stopped being ANGRY at everyone

💫 I became calm and able to review things instead of REACTING (to triggers)


💫 I’ve maintained a healthy weight effortlessly (for OVER 10 years now)

💫 I’m able to deal with stress WITHOUT turning to food, drink, drugs or handbags (therefore, being more efficient as instead of stuffing my face or being catatonic, I’d keep my wits and eventually find solutions)

💫 I became the mother and role model I’ve always wanted to be (I stopped the conditioning trauma being passed to my daughter, and will effect lifetimes after her)

💫 Because I CAN face my fears WITHOUT numbing, or running away from them, I continue to open doors of self discovery, allowing me to be more and more aligned with my TRUE self

Your life will also transform

💫 Be calm in the midst of annoying relatives (or friends)!

💫 Say yes to triggering foods and ENJOY it without feeling stuffed!

💫 Feel good in your body NOW and love yourself back to your natural beautiful body weight…

💫 Be the BOSS of your life and say F* YOU to old reptilian, zombie brain (you’re MUCH more POWERFUL than that!)

💫 and connect to your True Self and rise like a Phoenix from the ashes to claim your life NOW!

There’s also:

👉 Meditations

👉 Understanding the science of manifestations 

👉 Common questions about eating/weightloss which is the same formula for ANY destructive behaviours whether ambitions, relationships or money.

13 hours of life transforming information
meditations and self-regulating exercises!

If your soul feels like it’s being called to the words I’m sharing here, then this experience is the roadmap to your freedom from self sabotage and your success, in health, body, love, relationships, ambition, aspirations and even wealth.