“She remembered who she was, and the game changed.”

– Lalah Delia

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How Far Do You Want to Go?

You know deep down you’re meant for more.


Whether you’re already chasing your dreams or still yearning for the life you know you deserve, something keeps holding you back.


It’s not just about food—it’s about the way you feel about yourself, your body, and what you’re truly capable of.


Imagine a life where you’re free—free from the self-doubt, from the guilt that shows up every time you reach for food, and from the voice that tells you you’re not enough.

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A Journey to Awaken Your Inner Goddess

This experience isn’t about willpower, diet trends, or quick fixes.

It’s about uncovering the beliefs that have been driving your behaviours and rewriting them in a way that empowers you.


Through this journey, you’ll be gently guided to become aware of the old, limiting patterns that no longer serve you.



Mel has worked with countless women like you and identified the three most common root causes of destructive eating behaviours—patterns that stop you from stepping into your full potential:

  • The Abandoned: Experiences of abandonment or rejection that drive emotional eating as a way to feel secure or worthy.
  • The Pleaser: Rooted in the need to be seen as ‘good’ or to gain external approval, leading to using food as a way to cope with emotional pressure.
  • The Outcast: For those who have felt different, excluded, or misunderstood, often turning to food to fill the void created by those feelings.

This is not about regression or digging into past traumas, but rather an awakening.

Here’s what you can expect:

#insatiablemel #bingeeatingrecovery #loseweightfast #rtt
  • Awakening to the Truth: We’ll explore the three key areas—The Abandoned, The Pleaser, and The Outcast—bringing awareness to how old beliefs have shaped your behaviours. Once your conscious mind recognises these outdated patterns, your subconscious will naturally begin to release them. (See below for more details)
  • Guided Self-Hypnosis for Transformation: Mel will guide you through a powerful self-hypnosis, filled with positive suggestions to help you let go of what’s keeping you stuck and instill empowering new beliefs. You’ll leave feeling lighter, more confident, and ready to embrace your inner goddess.
  • Self-Hypnosis Recording (Yours to Keep): You’ll receive a separate recording of the self-hypnosis portion of the session, which you can revisit as often as you like. This recording will be yours forever, so you can continue reinforcing the transformation whenever you need it, for each of the three key areas we address.
  • No Homework, Just Awakening: You won’t be left to figure things out on your own. This session is designed to spark shifts from within, and with the self-hypnosis, you’ll begin to notice a change in how you think and feel—naturally.
  • Replay Access for One Month: You’ll have access to the session replay for a full month, giving you the flexibility to revisit the experience and reinforce the transformation as often as you like.
  • Bonus Q&A Session: As a bonus, there will be a Q&A session, ensuring you leave the experience fully equipped with the insights and answers you need to continue your journey to empowerment and freedom
#insatiablemel #bingeeatingrecovery #loseweightfast #rtt
#insatiablemel #bingeeatingrecovery #loseweightfast #rtt
  • Awakening to the Truth: We’ll explore the three key areas—The Abandoned, The Pleaser, and The Outcast—bringing awareness to how old beliefs have shaped your behaviours. Once your conscious mind recognises these outdated patterns, your subconscious will naturally begin to release them. (See below for more details)
  • Guided Self-Hypnosis for Transformation: Mel will guide you through a powerful self-hypnosis, filled with positive suggestions to help you let go of what’s keeping you stuck and instill empowering new beliefs. You’ll leave feeling lighter, more confident, and ready to embrace your inner goddess.
  • Self-Hypnosis Recording (Yours to Keep): You’ll receive a separate recording of the self-hypnosis portion of the session, which you can revisit as often as you like. This recording will be yours forever, so you can continue reinforcing the transformation whenever you need it, for each of the three key areas we address.
  • No Homework, Just Awakening: You won’t be left to figure things out on your own. This session is designed to spark shifts from within, and with the self-hypnosis, you’ll begin to notice a change in how you think and feel—naturally.
  • Replay Access for One Month: You’ll have access to the session replay for a full month, giving you the flexibility to revisit the experience and reinforce the transformation as often as you like.
  • Bonus Q&A Session: As a bonus, there will be a Q&A session, ensuring you leave the experience fully equipped with the insights and answers you need to continue your journey to empowerment and freedom

Expanding Your Awakening Beyond Food

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Because we are reprogramming your neural pathways with fresh, empowering beliefs, and removing old, childhood, and limiting ideas of helplessness, the changes you’ll experience won’t stop at your relationship with food. This awakening goes far beyond your eating habits. As your subconscious releases these outdated beliefs, you’ll notice shifts across every area of your life.


When you let go of the burdens that have been holding you back for years, your entire energy changes—and that will start to influence how you show up in the world. You’ll find yourself:

#insatiablemel #bingeeatingspecialist #howtostopbingeeating #rtttherapist
  • Reclaiming Confidence: No more hiding or second-guessing yourself. Whether it’s at work, in your relationships, or social interactions, you’ll naturally feel more assertive, comfortable, and empowered to express your true self.
  • Strengthening Relationships: As you step into your true power, your relationships will begin to shift. You’ll notice healthier boundaries and attract more meaningful, supportive connections with friends, family, and even romantic partners.
  • Thriving in Social Situations: Gone will be the days of shrinking back or feeling inadequate in social settings. With your newfound inner strength, you’ll walk into any room with confidence and grace, feeling fully worthy of being seen and heard.
  • Enhancing Career Success: As your self-worth rises, so will your ambition and career potential. Whether it’s asking for that promotion, pivoting to a new career path, or starting your own business, you’ll have the clarity and courage to make bold moves.
  • Attracting Abundance: The more aligned you become, the easier it is to manifest abundance in all forms. You’ll start noticing opportunities—financial, personal, and professional—flowing into your life effortlessly.
  • Improving Emotional Resilience: Letting go of old patterns means you’ll no longer be triggered in the same way. You’ll handle challenges with more ease, without reverting to destructive behaviours or feeling emotionally overwhelmed.
  • Feeling Empowered in Every Area: As these changes take root, you’ll realize it’s not just about food. You’ll begin to feel more empowered in how you think, feel, and act—becoming the fullest expression of your potential in every aspect of your life.



You’ll begin to feel more empowered in how you think, feel, and act—becoming the fullest expression of your potential in every aspect of your life.

Choose Your Journey:

This experience is offered in a way that lets you decide how far you want to go.


  • Single Session: Focus on the root cause that resonates with your journey.
  • The Full Journey: Choose the bundle for a complete transformative experience that touches all key areas of your life.


You get to decide how far you’ll go, but know this—each step will bring you closer to the version of yourself you’ve always known you could be.

#insatiablemel #weightloss #rttworks #weightlosshypnosis

Are you ready to step into your next chapter?

Let go of the food battles, the body image struggles, and step into the empowered, radiant woman you were born to be.

Ready to start this journey with me?

The Abandoned

#insatiablemel #abandoned #innerchildhealing #hypnosisforweightloss

“The Abandoned” addresses deep emotional wounds from experiences of neglect or lack of support. These issues can stem from childhood experiences and impact your self-worth, body image, and relationship with food.


Examples of The Abandoned Dynamics Include:

  • Divorced Parents: Feeling emotionally neglected or caught in the middle.
  • Busy Parents: Experiencing a sense of being overlooked.
  • Emotional or Physical Neglect: Lack of attention or affection.
  • Feeling Alone: Isolation leading to comfort eating.
  • Parental Absence: Emotional impact from a parent’s absence.
  • Inconsistent Caregiving: Unpredictable care affecting self-worth.
  • Loss or Separation: Trauma from losing a caregiver.


In The Abandoned deep healing experience, You Will:

  • Identify the Roots: Explore how abandonment issues impact food and body image.
  • Heal Emotional Wounds: Address past traumas and release emotional baggage.
  • Foster Self-Worth: Build a healthier self-image and self-acceptance.
  • Create a Balanced Relationship with Food: Develop a nurturing relationship with food.

The Pleaser

#insatiablemel #childhoodtrauma #rttworks #hypnosisforbulimia

“The Pleaser” tackles the need for validation from others, which can stem from childhood experiences where worth was tied to being “good” or meeting expectations.


Examples of The Pleaser Dynamics Include:

  • Seeking Validation: Using food as a reward or comfort.
  • Conditional Recognition: Only being acknowledged for achievements.
  • Extra Responsibilities: Taking on more tasks and neglecting personal needs.
  • People-Pleasing Behaviour: Meeting others’ needs at the expense of your own.
  • Fear of Rejection: Conforming to others’ expectations.
  • Overachieving: Striving for validation through achievements.
  • Inconsistent Self-Worth: Self-esteem based on others’ opinions.


In “The Pleaser” deep healing experience, You Will:

  • Identify the Roots: Discover how validation needs affect eating habits.
  • Heal People-Pleasing Patterns: Address the reasons behind seeking approval.
  • Develop Authentic Self-Worth: Learn to value yourself independently of others.
  • Set Healthy Boundaries: Create a balance between meeting your needs and others’.

The Outcast

#insatiablemel #rtt #weightlosshypnosis #bulimiahelp

“The Outcast” addresses emotional wounds from feeling different, being bullied, or facing exclusion, impacting self-worth, body image, and eating habits.


Examples of The Outcast Dynamics Include:

  • Feeling Different: Using food to cope with feelings of isolation.
  • Bullying: Experiencing abuse leading to distorted body image.
  • Social Exclusion: Using food to fill the void of social acceptance.
  • Self-Esteem Issues: Low self-worth from being ridiculed.
  • Isolation: Using food as comfort from loneliness.
  • Body Image Struggles: Distorted view of body due to exclusion.


In “The Outcast” deep healing experience, You Will:

  • Identify the Roots: Explore how exclusion or bullying affects food and body image.
  • Heal Emotional Wounds: Work through trauma to release emotional pain.
  • Foster Self-Acceptance: Build a positive self-image without relying on food.
  • Transform Relationship with Food: Develop healthier eating patterns.


Awakening Your Inner Goddess

Photo credits:

Elegant young female in stylish sunglasses looking away: Photo by Дарья Шелкович from Pexels

Girl with Backpack Standing by Zebra Crossing: Photo by Aniekan umoren from Pexels

Girl Making Bed: Photo by Ron Lach from Pexels

A Girl Sitting Lonely by Herself in the Classroom: Photo by RDNE Stock project from Pexels