Why Binge Eating Is Like A Robot Vaccum Cleaner

How To Stop Feeling Like You’re On Autopilot

Feeling stuck thinking about how to recover from years of binge eating? Maybe you’re just like my clients who feel just like a robot vaccuum cleaner?


My clients were like robot vacuum cleaners!


Why binge eating is like a Robot cleaner #insatiablemel #bingeeating #rapidtransformationaltherapy #hypnotherapy


A few weeks ago, we brought one of those robot vacuum cleaners home. We didn’t buy the top of the range ones because we just wanted to try it out first.


At first I thought, do we REALLY need it because it’s a lot quicker to do the vacuuming myself?


Is it being a little extravagant????


Before you continue…

Fancy grabbing yourself 

The BEST mini eBook EVER?!!!

19 Mind-hacks & tips to

STOP binge eating on JUNK food FAST!

Updated 2022 = Now 20 easy mind hacks to help you recover for good!

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But when it got under our bed which is one of the things I HATED doing because the gap was so small and I literally had to get on my chest on the floor to sweep underneath, that was the moment when I realised “GAME CHANGER!”


However… we noticed, occasionally the robot would get stuck in a corner. 


It would just keep moving back and forth, back and forth, UNTIL it ran out of battery!!!


Perhaps it was because it was an old model, but it gave me pause because watching the little robot reminded me of when my BINGE eating clients first came to see me.


With utter respect to every one of my clients. 




The reason why they’re STUCK in their destructive eating behaviours, contrary to their beliefs, it is NEVER about the food.

Binge Eating Is Never About Food!


It is NEVER about the type of food either i.e. JUNK food, or “SUGAR” addiction

The reason why they’re stuck always ends up because just like the robot, they’re just bouncing from one side to the other in their destructive eating behaviour BELIEFS!

BELIEVING that they only have TWO CHOICES.




For example; stop eating sugar, eat three square meals plus healthy snacks, diets, rules, step programs that think they’ve got something evil that has power over them, or even NEVER eating processed foods again!

Having gone through the torment of the binge cycles for OVER 22 years myself, I also completely get it!

I understand why they’re STUCK!

How can they know any difference because almost EVERYONE in the health industry is saying the SAME things!!!!

I sucked them all up too!

But just like my clients, even despite the million and one techniques including mindful eating, self regulating exercises and meal plans, they did NOT work for me!!!


Why binge eating is like a Robot cleaner #insatiablemel #bingeeating #rapidtransformationaltherapy #hypnotherapy



I started to REMOVE all the FLUFF from “traditional” recovery programs and I realised after working with HUNDREDS of clients…

That ONE solution did NOT fit all!

That’s WHY nothing works for my past clients.


That’s why they NEVER worked for me either!!!

Stuck In The Corner With Your Eating Disorder Thoughts

I see my clients just like a robot vacuum cleaner.


They’re STUCK between RESTRICTED beliefs.

When I help them align to their TRUE wisdom which is in EVERY SINGLE PERSON in this whole friggin’ planet… 


…the wisdom, no matter how uneducated, or unskilled anyone thinks they are… is so freakin’ POWERFUL!

When my clients connect to their wisdom, it’s like being UNSTUCK from the corner they were in!

It’s nothing WOO WOO.


It’s not even like fireworks when they realise they’re FREE.

Just like the robot vacuum cleaner, they just MOVE ON with their lives!

The moment they realise, it’s like seeing for the very first time the infinite options that they already knew but WITHOUT the clutter that was keeping them stuck in the corner!

After our session in my Rapid Recovery Transformational Alignment, my clients often say these phrases in an almost MATTER OF FACT kind of tone…

“well, I just have to NOT do it right?”


“Hmmm that’s rather silly why did I think bingeing was pleasure”


“Food used to be my comfort blanket but it’s not really comforting me, it’s ruining me”


“I will find something else to do, that’s all”


In hindsight these phrases seem so OBVIOUS to the likes of the “normal” eaters. And up to an extent, these are the thoughts my clients were already aware of but because they were STUCK in the corner, the words did NOT mean anything.


When my clients ALIGN to their true wisdom, the words become their new “being”.



Just like a SWITCH in their brains. 


💫No techniques.

💫No meditation.

💫No affirmations.

💫No food rules.

💥Just a change of mindset.

You Don’t Need Fixing!

I don’t FIX my clients. 


I help them get UNSTUCK. So that they can move forward in their lives WITHOUT destroying themselves anymore.



“Do you feel like a robot vacuum cleaner?”


If you want to get UNSTUCK from bouncing from the feast and famine walls, apply for a free 60 minute call.

Do you feel like you are like a vacuum robot cleaner?

Do you think there are only two choices – to binge or to restrict?

What techniques have you tried to end your distructive eating?

I’d love to hear your stories by sharing your comments below.


Before you go…

Fancy grabbing yourself 

The BEST mini eBook EVER?!!!

19 Mind-hacks & tips to

STOP binge eating on JUNK food FAST!

Updated 2022 = Now 20 easy mind hacks to help you recover for good!

Don’t miss out on valuable tips mailed directly to your inbox:

– Mind hacks

– NO dieting tips

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– Subconscious Healing Promotion EXCLUSIVE to Satiable Family Member’s only!



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Why binge eating is like a Robot cleaner #insatiablemel #bingeeating #rapidtransformationaltherapy #hypnotherapy
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Insatiable Mel

Hi ya! I'm Mel. I help men and women stop OUT OF CONTROL crazy BINGES, destructive eating disorders, self sabotage, and limiting beliefs holding them back from their success. Helping you release years or even decades of conditioned fears (trauma in the body and mind) so that you can use your wisdom to achieve your goals with alignment and ease. Significant results from as little as ONE powerful Transformational Subconscious Alignment™ session, with online video healing!😲

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