Are You Manifesting Your Binges?

Why You Can’t Stop Thinking About Food

There’s a reason you can’t stop thinking about food, especially junk food. Find out how you can get excited about eating healthy food and find junk food boring.

Did you know that you have to LEARN how to see???


And I DON’T mean your eyes slowly develop and focus on things as a baby, but rather, we LEARN how to literally SEE! Just like walking!!!


Are You Manifesting Your Binge Eating #insatiablemel #bingeeating #rapidtransformationaltherapy #hypnotherapy


Through a LIFETIME of learning about our environment, we make ASSUMPTIONS of our world.


In other words, what we see is only what we FOCUS our attention to.


Before you continue…

Fancy grabbing yourself 

The BEST mini eBook EVER?!!!

19 Mind-hacks & tips to

STOP binge eating on JUNK food FAST!

Updated 2022 = Now 20 easy mind hacks to help you recover for good!

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Studies have found that people who have recovered their sight after a lifetime of blindness COULDN’T bear the overwhelming overload of the information that was being sent to the brain! To the point that they could NOT tell depth, size or speed!!!


So as we develop as humans, our eyes learn to see what is only necessary for us to survive.



Filtering out what’s NOT necessary and filtering in what’s important.


Probably explains how weird stuff like thinking about buying something as specific as a red Volkswagen car, would suddenly start appearing every few miles!


Has that ever happened to you? Well, that’s your eyes honing in on your desires!


And once you see your desires, you can get closer to the desired outcome, taking action towards that, and before you know it, you’re seeing red Volkswagens everywhere!


That’s pretty much how our lenses mould our world!

You Wonder Why You Continue To Binge Eat?

Think about the lenses you’ve been wearing.


What are the pictures you’ve been sending to your brain?




Let’s face it, rarely does anyone binge on a plate of salad, even if it’s the best mixed salad in the world.


Most of my clients, and so far from dozens of interviews with men and women with overeating or binge eating problems, it’s often the “NOT so good stuff” they binge on.



I don’t need to spell it out here, but it’s usually those kryptonite types of foods,… ahem, chips, chocolate, ice-cream, fast food, fried stuff, etc. etc.

Do you manifest your binge eating #insatiablemel #bingeeating #rapidtransformationaltherapy #hypnotherapy


So if you want to stop bingeing on these products, you need to start CHANGING the pictures and words you send to your brain.


Because all the time you’re sending messages when you’re eating them like;


“OMG this is sooooooooo good”


“This is the BEST ice-cream EVERRRRRRRRRR!”


“This chocolate tastes soooo good!”


“I LOVE Kentucky fried chicken”


“I fancy McDonalds because they have the BEST burgers in the world”


“You just CAN’T beat a good Taco”


Without you being aware, you are unconsciously hard-wiring your focus on these types of food and creating a PHYSIOLOGICAL change in the network of intelligence in your body.


The brain is thinking, “Oh hang on, she’s LOVING this! It’s SURVIVAL food! It’s HAPPY food! I want her to be VERY happy. So let’s make sure that’s all she ever wants…” 





Then on the contrary, if every time you eat a nutritious meal, you’re screwing up your face and saying things like, “This is so BORING” or even worse, “I wish I was having a Burger King right now”…


Your brain will think, “NOPE, this ain’t making her happy. Let’s SUPERCHARGE the CRAVINGS for Burger King instead! Let’s END her suffering asap!”


Ask Your Mind To Help You Stop Bingeing

This may all sound a little WEIRD at first, especially if this is the first time you’ve heard of this, but our words and pictures we tell and show ourselves are POWERFUL.


If you’re trying to recover at the conscious level, without seeking help from a specialist like myself to help you go to the real cause of your binge eating which is embedded in your subconscious mind, one thing you can do to help you recover is to change the way you talk about food.


For example, have you ever had an unpleasant experience with a certain food or drink?

For me, I remember when I was a teenager, one of those foolish teenager things I did was to get drunk on whiskey. I remember I was really sick for a few days.


Now I can’t even bear the smell of it because it makes me feel nauseous.

Are You Manifesting Your Binge Eating #insatiablemel #bingeeating #rapidtransformationaltherapy #hypnotherapy


Likewise, a vegan doesn’t decide to cave in to a steak one day because they’ve made clear pictures in their minds of where the meat came from. They wouldn’t even feel deprived or feel like they’re missing out because they’ve TRAUMATISED themselves about animal products and as a result, they’ve reprogrammed their minds. 


So for most people, they see a steak; for vegans they see a piece of a rotting fresh of a baby cow.

It Really Is That Simple

What you focus on the most, whether or not you want it, gets stronger.


Which means the ONLY difference between success and failure is NOT what you know, what you look like, how strong you are, what you eat, when you eat, or even your skills…


BUT the words and pictures you send to yourself, REPEATEDLY. The lenses you ALLOW to mould your world!

So you feel you are manifesting your binge eating?

Have you found your eyes sometimes hones to your desires? 

What type of words or pictures do you normally send to the brain when eating something naughty?

​What changes are you going to start trying?

I’d love to hear whether any of this resonated with you too, comment below and share your binge eating dilemmas.


Before you go…

Fancy grabbing yourself 

The BEST mini eBook EVER?!!!

19 Mind-hacks & tips to

STOP binge eating on JUNK food FAST!

Updated 2022 = Now 20 easy mind hacks to help you recover for good!

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Are You Manifesting Your Binge Eating #insatiablemel #bingeeating #rapidtransformationaltherapy #hypnotherapy

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Insatiable Mel

Hi ya! I'm Mel. I help men and women stop OUT OF CONTROL crazy BINGES, destructive eating disorders, self sabotage, and limiting beliefs holding them back from their success. Helping you release years or even decades of conditioned fears (trauma in the body and mind) so that you can use your wisdom to achieve your goals with alignment and ease. Significant results from as little as ONE powerful Transformational Subconscious Alignment™ session, with online video healing!😲

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