You Don’t Have To Heal Childhood Wounds To Recover From Trauma!

Knowing My Past Held Me Back From My Freedom!

Most people don’t realise they’re keeping themselves in trauma and self sabotage and making their symptoms worse.


I’ve put ALL my life’s work in the trash bin!!


But first, before I share why…


Here are the messages from my latest client who suffered from binge eating for OVER 25 years, and stopped binge eating after our second session.


You dont have to heal more childhood wounds #insatiablemel #trauma #rapidtransformationaltherapy #hypnotherapy


Before you continue…

Fancy grabbing yourself 

The BEST mini eBook EVER?!!!

19 Mind-hacks & tips to

STOP binge eating on JUNK food FAST!

Updated 2022 = Now 20 easy mind hacks to help you recover for good!

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She was also addicted to fizzy drinks, and was downing one litre a day. Now she’s down to one can in a few days.

These screenshots are REAL messages. It ain’t all unicorns and rabbits, but it’s TRANSFORMATIONAL.

Transformational means the effects will get stronger with time.

It will also have a butterfly effect in all areas of her life too. And I’m not talking about the binge eating itself as the main root of all her problems, but rather, it was only a BRANCH, amongst other things connected to the root.

And in this post, I will share with you what I mean about a branch, and why I threw my life’s work in the garbage bin.

I Blamed My Childhood

From personal experience, knowing my past was NOT “the” thing that made an impact to my transformation because often it held me back from the FREEDOM that I yearned for, because UNCONSCIOUSLY knowing my past almost became an excuse for me NOT to move on…

“I’m like this because”

“I didn’t get enough…”

“It’s not my fault if I’m…”

“I have complex PTSD because when I was a child…”

“I’m afraid to speak up because…”

“When I was a child, I felt this, that’s why I feel…”

etc. etc. etc.

Though I’m not saying it’s not useful to know how we developed our behaviours i.e. “conditioning,” from our childhood and society etc. however, without going one step further to find out the TRUTH of our innate nature of being human, then we’re still stuck in a world where we’re trying to FIX one problem at a time.


Often not really fixing them but changing our lenses to see the problem differently, a little like putting a bandage on the wounds. 


But doesn’t that mean, to a certain degree, we must think there’s something wrong with us? We’re still broken, we’re wounded, we’re not normal IF there is a wound to bandage?


Then my next question, why TF hasn’t the childhood wounds healed?

Why are we still putting a bandage on something that often happened DECADES ago???


These questions twisted my gut in knots.


I felt something was off.

You dont have to heal more childhood wounds #insatiablemel #trauma #rapidtransformationaltherapy #hypnotherapy


I even went back to blaming my childhood again, the abandonment I felt as a child playing out in me as an adult!


I’ve had so much friggin’ work on myself! I have invested easily OVER £30k in studies, courses, coaches and therapy, some of which were the BEST in the cognitive industry (MindValley Award winning teachers).



You’d THINK I’d have it sorted by now, right????!!!!!!!!


So why TF did I feel INSATIABLE once more???


However, on the brink of my second breakdown in my life, the third day of “F¥CK THIS $HIT…”

…I had my first ever experience ofENLIGHTENMENT.


OH YES!!!! The kinda Eckhart Tolle magic, unicorns and $hit moment!!!!

It was the moment I REALLY understood the Truth (with the capital T).


I will share what happened in my enlightenment moment another time to save this post from turning into a book.

But Back To The Truth...

First of all, what is the Truth?

The Truth is something that is true for ALL humans, regardless of what ethnic background you’re from, what age you are, whether you’ve had a good or bad childhood, whether you’ve suffered from a traumatic experience or not.


The Truth is as true as we need air to breathe; we need water to live; we have gravity to stay on the planet, etc.

When I saw the Truth about our human experiences, healing my clients NO LONGER made sense to me because I realised they weren’t BROKEN in the first place!

I realised they didn’t need new lenses to see a better world they lived in i.e. positive affirmations, imagining their goals happening, or more commonly convincing themselves of a better “self,” like they’re enough, they’re lovable, imagining the future, etc.


I no longer thought it was necessary to heal the past or understand it to transform their lives!


I realised my clients just needed to see the Truth.

Through our time together, ALL my clients discovered they were actually working perfectly fine. 

The more I saw the Truth, the easier it was for me to show my clients the Truth. They all started to see the “monsters” in their lives did NOT exist. 

Therefore, they didn’t need to change anything at all, apart from STOPPED trying to cope when there was NOTHING to cope with in the first place.

They simply stopped trying to find an antidote because they stopped drinking poison in the first place!

Since I found out the Truth, my clients didn’t need to HEAL to overcome their hardest struggles in their lives.


The Truth contradicted many of the practices I used in the past to help my clients overcome their problems. One of those typical ways was to use hypnosis to help my clients IMAGINE themselves not being afraid of their problems, or surrounding them with love, or giving them back their power. Like changing the lenses they were wearing to survive in the world.

However, when myself and my clients saw the Truth, we realised we didn’t have to change our lenses at all…


…We just needed to take them off completely!

When you see the Truth, you no longer see monsters. Therefore, if you saw no monsters, you no longer need to change the picture. 


You don’t even need to hide, soothe, or run away. 

When we stopped hiding, soothing or running away because we stopped drinking the poison, we also discovered we were ok.

When you DEEPLY know you’re fine no matter what goes on in the OUTSIDE world, in the past, present or future, there’s really NOTHING to do. 


You don’t have to convince yourself you’re enough. 


You don’t have to convince yourself you’re ok.


You don’t have to convince yourself to change!


You don’t even have to heal your childhood wounds!

Because when you know the TRUTH, that you are fundamentally ok, you’ve ALWAYS been ok, and there’s NOTHING that can REALLY f¥ck up your okayness…


…E.V.E.R.Y …S.I.N.G.L.E …P.R.O.B.L.E.M … ceases to exist!

Every single branch dissipates.


AND that’s why I threw my life’s work in the bin.

Everything Is Connected To The Truth

You dont have to heal more childhood wounds #insatiablemel #trauma #rapidtransformationaltherapy #hypnotherapy


With the people I work with now, I don’t need to hypnotise them to convince them of anything!


They DON’T go back to the “old ways.”


There’s no RELAPSES.


There’s no being careful just in case it doesn’t work.


Because I don’t have to change their lenses at all.


With the Truth, once you see, it WON’T make any sense to go back to the old ways, no more than putting your hand back in the fire when you know that’ll f¥ckin’ hurt!



If you still can’t see how brilliant you are, and I mean, if you’re still trying to cope with your self-sabotage, or you’re still holding yourself back from doing what you want to do because of fear, or you doubt yourself constantly, or you’re a “worrier” etc. then I can help you with that.


I’ll first help you see the world you’ve created that is causing ALL your problems (not just the big ones).


Then I’ll help you see how EVERYTHING is connected to the Truth.



How the Truth will help you navigate through the waves of life, whether it’s rough, smooth, or unpredictable.


And the best thing about it is, you don’t need to LEARN another technique to calm you down, to stop self-sabotage, to make you motivated, or to be convinced about anything.


All you need is for me to help you open your eyes, and once they start to open, you will NEVER look back!



If you want to see the Truth that will transform your entire life, schedule a free one hour exploration call with me to find out more.


What excuses do you have not to move on because of your past?

What monsters do you feel are in your life?

Can you imagine not to be afraid of your problems?

I’d love to hear your stories by sharing your comments below.👇


Before you go…

Fancy grabbing yourself 

The BEST mini eBook EVER?!!!

19 Mind-hacks & tips to

STOP binge eating on JUNK food FAST!

Updated 2022 = Now 20 easy mind hacks to help you recover for good!

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You dont have to heal more childhood wounds #insatiablemel #trauma #rapidtransformationaltherapy #hypnotherapy

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Insatiable Mel

Hi ya! I'm Mel. I help men and women stop OUT OF CONTROL crazy BINGES, destructive eating disorders, self sabotage, and limiting beliefs holding them back from their success. Helping you release years or even decades of conditioned fears (trauma in the body and mind) so that you can use your wisdom to achieve your goals with alignment and ease. Significant results from as little as ONE powerful Transformational Subconscious Alignment™ session, with online video healing!😲

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